вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#50-The glittering tentacles

1. Create a document of 400x400. Press "D" that would reset colors. Make sure that your background is black.

2. Make a new layer. We choose "Custom shape tool". We choose some interesting shape. Whatever it was attended by the waves.
In the example we have chosen for example Sun "Sun 1".
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Click on the layer right click and "Rasterize Layer".

3. We apply the "Filter> Sketch> Chrome" with the following parameters:
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Duplicate the layer and put the blending mode to "Darken":
Сверкающие щупальцы *
Press Ctrl + E that would connect the two layers (active should be the top layer)

4. Almost done, now apply to layer these color shades:
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5. Again, duplicate the layer, now use the Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal. Then again, connect the layers together. After that, apply these blending options (right-click and choose "blending options")
Used this color # 00E4FF a "glow colors".
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In conclusion, the effect should look something like this:
Сверкающие щупальцы *

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