воскресенье, 14 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#15-Smashing Your Creative Block

Smashing Your Creative Block
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Step 1
Create a new document (1500 na720px) with a black background and choosing a good font, type your text in white. In this case, a font used MyriadBold, the size of 70pt. After Rasterize the text layer Layer> Rasterize> Type:Креативно разбиваем текст
Step 2
Now select the Polygonal Lasso tool or Pen with Paths and drag them half of the letter "C". When you loop the loop ends, cut the selection to a new layer Ctrl + Shift + J (if you draw the path of the pen, then make a selection from the path you have to press Ctrl + Enter). The transferred fragment slide to the side, I moved down to:
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Step 3
Turn to the main text layer and proceed to the next letter "R": vending encircle part and move onto a new layer, and then slightly increases and shifts:
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This work, the displacement of pieces, and spend the rest of letter symbols "E, A, T, I, V, E":
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Step 4
When your first word "Creative" to cut, merge all the layers in the shared folder and type the following word "Block": the same font, size 40pt, white. Rasterize the layer and a break above the letters on the pieces:
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Креативно разбиваем текст
Step 5
Go to the next stage of the work. Now we will use a texture to visually enhance the rigidity of the text and to get the texture of the stone. I used one of my sets a 24 High-Res Concrete(http://creativeoverflow.net/24-free-high-res-concrete-textures/). Place the texture on top of all the other layers and change the blending mode to Darken:

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Now select all the pieces of text (interrupt here's a simpler way): Select the Magic Wand tool-enabled Sample All Layers and click on the black area, and when the dark matter will be highlighted, press Ctrl + Shift + I. Make sure you are on the layer with the texture and click on the Add Layer Mask (its what they are constantly confused with the Vector Mask), which is located at the base of the Layers palette, right-click for the "FX" or turn it from the menu Layer> Layer Mask> Reveal:
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Step 6
I know that right now it looks not very attractive, but we will change it. Select a tool Burn, with the value of exposure to 50% and the average soft brush on the edges. On the layer texture darken the edges of letters, giving thus the contrast:
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Step 7
Now create an adjustment layer Brightness and Contrast: the value of Brightness +10, Contrast - +80. This should add some depth to your text, but not enough. Go to the layer styles for layers, fragments, double-clicking on the right. Enable the option Drop Shadow and set it as shown below:
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After clicking Ok copy style: make right click on the layer appeared on the fx icon and point to Copy Layer Style. Now select all the layers of sliced ​​fragments, in addition to the two main (to select multiple layers should grip Ctrl), right-click and paste style (Paste Layer Style):

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Step 8
Create a new layer on top and fill it with black, change the blending mode to Color Dodge. Select the Brush tool with a soft edge: setting up different colors in different places make the text strokes, then lower the opacity of the layer to 10%. Create another layer, but in the Overlay mode and make some strokes of white brush with opacity about 10%:
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Step 9
We come to the final important step, where we use the image of breaking glass(http://creativeoverflow.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/02/Smashed-Glass.jpg). Insert it above the other layers and change the blending mode to Linear Dodge, and erase unwanted areas eraser.

I hope you managed to break the barrier creative block))
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