How I Created Bubble Berry
In this tutorial I'll show you how I'm way out of this
was able to do this:
First you need to find a good image of strawberries. I chose this:
Then I drew a picture with a bottle of bubbles, resize it, and put on a new layer above the layer with strawberries. I'm a little lowered its opacity to me it was easier to navigate, I'll adjust the shape of the bubble to the shape of a strawberry with a tool deformation Liquify. Make sure that chikboks «Show Backdrop» activated.
I finished work on the form:
I then bleached (Ctrl + Shift + U) bubble, after which he became a black-and-white.
I duplicated the layer and set the blending mode to Overlay and lowered the opacity to 60%. You can experiment with the transparency, making glare a little brighter.
After that I decided to make a separate seeds and put them on a new layer. Maybe this was not necessary, but, anyway, I did it. Using the tool Lasso Tool I gave them out, cut out, and put on a new layer. Set the Blend Mode - Overlay, opacity - 100%.
I made a duplicate of the seeds, and turned it so that the seeds have become a mirror image of the first layer of the seed. I made a duplicate of a little darker, and put it in such a way as to give the impression that it is the seeds from the back.
After that, I separated from the background of strawberries on the original layer by placing it on a separate right at the top. I bleached it, and set the layer blending mode to Overlay with 100% transparency.
I went back to the base layer, and filled the empty space of the cut strawberries by cloning the background. Make it was quite easy, as the background color - a uniform with a soft gradient. Among other things, I've done everything so that the leaves of strawberries remained intact.
Now that the background is ready, I added a mask to both images. Set the blend mode of one of the two layers - Normal, and another - Overlay. I have used various soft brush, and varied levels of transparency on both layers.
Now that I can see the space for strawberries, I decided that I needed to show the leaves. I took them from another image.
After that, I put the leaves allocated directly above the background and under everything else. Then I turned them over, erasers erased all the unnecessary and lowered the opacity to 73%.
Basically, I was doing all the same to add the leaves on the other side. Here I was working with a mask layer, as part of the leaf is out of the bubble and the other peeps "on the street" and I, with a soft brush with a low level of transparency and wiped the part that was behind the bubble, leaving the one that is on the side .
Now I had to add a reflection of leaves on top of the strawberries. With the Lasso Tool I've highlighted a couple of leaves, and then I have them mirror your. Layer with reflective foil in the center of berries I set the blending mode to Overlay, opacity 83%. Set the layer with the leaf on the left side I set at Normal, opacity 54%. These two layers I put above all others.
By and large, the bubble is ready, but I wanted to add some general reflections. I found a very good picture with a source of reflection, but it was visible house in the background.
Since I have here a picture of strawberries on the table, such a reflection would be out of place. So I decided to use it with a level of transparency that it was impossible to see the content, but you could see the color and shape of the reflection. Here I used the same method as in the work of the original bubble, then set the layer blending mode to Overlay, opacity lowered to 65%, and a layer placed above all others.
I created an adjustment layer of Brightness / Contrast in the top, then lowered the brightness (Brightness) to -40%. Then, with a soft brush, I "erased" berry, thus making it brighter and darker than the rest.
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