Create an Easy Smoke Type Effect Using the Smudge Tool
The end result:
Materials for lesson:
A set of brushes-
Font "League Gothic"-
Step 1
Create a new document in Photoshop Ctrl + N 800h800rh size, with a resolution of 72dpi. Insert the document in some texture like this. We use texture to the text and the smoke was visible.
Improve a little background, adding a light, but first let's draw the shade. Select tool Brush Tool | Tool "brush" (B) , right-click on the canvas and select the normal round brush. Lower the setting Hardness | Hardness to 0% and Size | Size let it be average. Black paint over the left and right edge of the canvas (see thumbnail "Shadow" layer in the following screenshot). Then increase the size of the brush and paint a big white spot in the center of the canvas.
Step 2
Select a tool Horizontal Type Tool | Tool "Horizontal text" (T) and write the word "SMOKE". I used the font "League Gothic". If you do not have it, then download it to your computer, and let down to the folder with fonts Windows. You can simply right-click on the font file and select Install Font | Install New Font.ep 2Be rasterized text layer to change to edit it with any instrument and apply filters. To do this, right-click on the layer in the Layers palette and choose Rasterize Type | Rasterize the text.
Go to the text layer, apply the filter Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur | Filter - Blur - Blur with a value of Radius | Radius 2 or 3 pixels.
Lower the Opacity | The opacity of the text layer to 85%. Select a tool Rectangular Marquee Tool | Tool "rectangular area" (M) , and make a selection around the first letter. Press Ctrl + J, to copy that letter on a separate layer. Do this with each letter of the word. Then you can hide the original layer with the word "SMOKE". Tool Move Tool | Tool "Moving" (V) , place the letters on different levels, as shown in the following screenshot.
As soon change the level of letters, select all the layers with them (except hidden) and combine them into a single Ctrl + E. The word "SMOKE" will once again be written in the same layer.
Step 3
Choose a brush smoke loaded in the beginning of the lesson. Create a new layer Ctrl + Shift + N on top of the other and draw the smoke.Again return to the text layer and select the tool Smudge Tool | Tool "Finger".
At the top of the instrument settings, set Strength | The intensity of 20%. Spread the letters so that they are curled as smoke. You will not achieve the desired curl on the first try, so do not be afraid to walk a few times on the same site.
Keep working on the letter, changing the size of the tool, as long as the letters will not look like smoke.
After you finish the smear letter, select the tool Eraser Tool | Tool "Eraser" (E) , and in the settings drop Opacity | Opacity. Outline text for it to become more transparent. If you just lower the opacity of the layer, then fill the letters will be uniform, and not like a real smoke.
The last correction
To enhance the contrast of the whole illustration, create an adjustment layer Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Levels | Layer - New Adjustment Layer - Levels on top of all layers.values:
19 | 0.95 | 107
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