вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#48-How to create a mini-icons

A lot of people have been asking how to create the same icons as my famous Mini Pixel Icon. All you need - this is some of the basic skills in Photoshop. Here I will show you how to use the Pencil pencil.gif create pixel icons, and then modify them to create a complete collection. In this procedure, I created about 320 icons in the day.

1. Creating a new document

In Photoshop, create a new document of size 14x14 pixels with a transparent background.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
2. Simultaneous form

Select the Pencilpencil.gif , size - 1 pixel, color - gray, and start painting the edge of the page icons. To draw a straight line, first click at the starting point, and then hold down Shift, - the end point.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
Help tips: You can at any time erase drawn by Eraser tool , pencil mode and the size of one pixel.

3. basic gradient

Select the allocation of empty space inside the page with the help of Magic Wand . Then create a new layer. Main color - light gray background - white. Using the Gradient , draw a straight from the upper right to the lower left diagonally.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
4.Create a new layer. Draw the top of the inner boundary of white and 1 pixel to create the lighting effect. Then draw the lower boundary of the inner gray - it will be a shadow.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
5. grouping layers

In the Layers window, select all the layers and press Ctrl + G to group them.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
6. drawing pencil

Again, start with a pencil drawing of the circuit, then fill the interior space with a color or gradient. When you're done, group all the layers into a separate folder.
Tip: If you want all the icons were in one color, keep the colors used in the swatches.

7. recycling

It shows how I have changed the old group of layers to create a whole collection:
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
8. Exports to the network

Once you have made the entire set, switch (visible / invisible) of the layers and save them to a network (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S).
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *

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