Welcome to another lesson. This time we will create with you a simple but at the same time beautiful and dramatic collage. You will learn how to create shadows, and how to combine a couple of images and adjust them correctly to get a wonderful collage.
Seth «Hair Stocks»-http://cindysart.deviantart.com/art/Hair-Stocks-259532943
First of all, let's start with creating the background. Use the picture, the girl will sit here. I called the layer «Rocks». I cut off the lower part of the image where there was evidence of its author. Here are the exact dimensions of my canvas: 2388 pixels wide and 3272 pixels in height, but you can work with a smaller size if you want. Now you can open the image with the sea and place it over a bed of «Rocks», and if you use a smaller size of the document slightly reduce it. I used the original size, and I called this layer «Sea». Now you can create a layer «Sea» mask and use a soft brush to hide part of the image.
The structure of the background ready, so now let's get down to creating a dramatic atmosphere using adjustment layers. For a layer of «Rocks» I created the adjustment layer Hue / Saturation, to discharge the rocks, and then Gradient Map with a black and white gradient. Set the Blend Mode - Soft Light, opacity 30%. This will give a greater contrast rocks.
For a layer of «Sea» I have created an adjustment layer Levels, to give the water a greater contrast, without affecting its color.
Later, we'll add adjustment layers, but at the moment it will be enough.
Open the photo with a picture of a girl and separate it from the background. For these purposes, I almost always use the Pen Tool, because, in my opinion, this is the most accurate tool. Put a Woman on the background to the new layer. I named this layer «Woman». Do not worry about masking hair: we use a different way to the edges looked a lot better.
STEP 4. Shadows on the ground
It's time to create a shadow cast by a girl. When we speak of the shadows, and we are also talking about the light. When you create a shadow, you must also take into account the position of the main light source. In this case, I assumed that the light is coming from the upper right corner. Here I created a soft shadow with a brush. So, take a medium-sized brush of black color and start painting on the edges of the girl's dress. I painted these shadows on a new layer and call it «Ground Shadow», placing a layer with the girl.
STEP 5. The shadow of the trunk
To add more realism, you can add another set with soft shadows on the girl's dress. For this, I created a new layer with a clipping mask Clipping Mask, calling it «Body Shadows». Then again, I used a brush with a low opacity (around 30-40%), black color I painted the shadow of the dress, where it touches the ground.
Now let's make some adjustments to the layer with the girl. I was a little reduced the intensity of the bright areas, using Curves, and then lowered the saturation of images using Hue / Saturation.
In order to correct the edge of the hair, I used a pack with drawing hair (link at the beginning of the lesson). I put two images of the proposed set on the model's hair, and placed them so that they looked natural. I also used a mask and a soft brush. Then I adjusted the settings of tone and the degree of its intensity in the Hue / Saturation, while painted hair did not match the color of natural hair model. I put all the hair added to the group and called it «Painted Hair».
Now begins my favorite part of the lesson: lightening and darkening. For a girl, I created a layer clipping mask, which I filled with gray (50%), color, and set the layer blending mode to Overlay. I then created a separate layer for background lighting and shading. If you want, you can do it all in one layer.
I used the same technique to lighten and darken the background.
Again and again I say that with the help of tools Dodge / Burn Tool, you can create pretty amazing things.
I would like to add one more thin shadow of the girl, and so I used the Gradient adjustment layer with black to transparent gradient. I set the blending mode to Hard Light, and lowered the blending mode to 30%.
I created a little mist with a soft brush with low opacity. You can use filters and Gaussian Blur Motion Blur, with rotation of 0 g., To hide the edges
I made a couple of adjustments with the Vibrance, to make a kind of "reverse reduction of saturation", in simple terms, I increased the amplitude of the oscillations of colors in the image Vibrance, and lowered the saturation Saturation.
The final touch we will make a filter Lighting Effects, my favorite filter in Photoshop. When you are completely satisfied with the results, select the topmost layer in the Layers palette and click Ctrl + Alt + Shift + E, to create a new layer with the union of all the layers. On this new layer, which I have called the «Final result», I used the Lighting Effects filter with the following settings:
That's it! I hope that the lesson you like.
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