вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#49-crocodile skin

1. Create a new image 400x400 (preferably more, but for this example).

2. Get out the "Gradient Tool" (black and white), the exhibit "Mode" to "Difference".

3. A few times (4-6) fill the image from the edges toward the center.
Крокодиловая кожа *
4. Perpendicular to an imaginary liii (which will fold) direct-lot (as do not mind, but rather just 10-20) short strokes in the same direction do fill with the same settings as in step 2.
Крокодиловая кожа *
5. Now the Tools group "Smudge Tool" flatten / smudge Austral region, where they have turned out.
Крокодиловая кожа *
6. Run filter: Filter> Texture> Craquelure with parameters Crack Spasing = 15; Crack Depth = 2; Crack Brightness = 9.
Крокодиловая кожа *
7. Press Ctrl + U and choose a Hue / Saturation you want us to image color: Hue = 32; Saturation = 27. Brightness - at will, but I did not touch her. Do not forget to check the box "Colorize"
Крокодиловая кожа *
8. Large image (size 800x600) looks interesting.
Крокодиловая кожа *

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