пятница, 19 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#22-Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

his tutorial will guide you through the process of designing a professional jeans style business card. The tutorial features some great techniques, effects and layer styles in which you can use over and over for future projects.
The business card has the standard USA and Canada cut of 3.5×2 inches , approximately 10×5 cm.So if you`ll follow the tutorial,at the end you`ll be able to print the business card for your use,or why not,to start offering business card printing services.
Let’s get started!
Materials needed:
What are we designing:
business final image Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

First step:The inevitable New Document
Ok!Open Photoshop and create a new document of 700x500px.
create a new document Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 2:The background:
Step 3:Creating the main shape
Change the color of the background with a black one.I used #0f0e0e.It`s better to work with a black background because the business card`s details will be more visible.
With the Rectangle Tool , create a shape of 520x295px.
Maybe now you`re asking why I use this dimensions.The answer is very simple.A business card has some standard dimensions.For example an US or Canada business card has dimensions of 3.5×2 inches.Translated in pixels and expanded a little bit to work more easily, we got 520x295px.
business card dimensions Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 4:Adding the jeans texture
Download the texture from the top list of materials needed and add it to the main project.Resize it to fit into the canvas.Be sure to have the texture layer above the shape.Right click on the layer and select “Create clipping mask”.
clipping mask of the shape Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Now add a gradient with the next settings:
gradient overlay Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

The image looks like this:
with gradient Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 5:Burning the jeans
Select the Burn Tool and with a soft brush , start burning the texture.All the settings are showed in the next picture.
burn tool Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

If you want to Improve the texture,you may sharpen it a little bit.Go to Filter->Sharpen->Smart Sharpen and add the next settings.The result is obvious.
improving the picture using smart sharpen Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Reduce a little bit the Brightness of the texture.For this,go to Image->Adjustments->Brightness/Contrast.
business card improved Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 6:Adding threads

Now download the Thread Texture from the top list and add it to the image.
adding thread Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Duplicate the thread texture layer , rotate the duplicated layer and put it in the left-top corner of the business card.
adding second thread Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 7:Business card shadow:
Now let`s create a shadow for the business card.Select the jeans texture layer.Now Ctrl+Click the layer.The layer should be selected.
Now go to Select->Modify->Expand and give it 10px.
expanded area Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Create a new layer and put it under the main shape layer.Now fill the selected area with a black color.After,give it a Gaussian Blur of 8px.
shadow with gaussian blur Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

After,add an Outer Glow for the shadow with the next settings:
outer glow for business car Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

The image till now should look like this one:
the outer glow beatifull Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 8:Adding a jeans button:

Download the jeans button from the top list and add it to the main image.Resize and put it in the top-left area of the card.
Add some blending options:a drop shadow and an inside stroke.
drop shadow for the button Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

stroke for the button Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Make the button a little bit sharpen ( Filter->Sharpen->Smart Sharpen ) to look better.
Reduce the brightness of the button and you should have one jeans button like mine:
finished button Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 9:Adding a label imprint

Now I`ll show you how to add a label imprint.Select the Rectangle Tool and draw a rectangle in the right-top of the business card.
Fill it with a black color and give it a Gaussian Blur of 8-10px.
Reduce the opacity of the layer to 60% and your imprint is ready:
label imprint Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 10:Adding thread to the label imprint

Let`s add some thread to the label imprint.Download the Thread Brush from the top list and load it into Photoshop.
Select the Brush Tool and choose the thread brush that you downloaded.If you don`t know how,click on the Play button from the Brush Preset Picker then choose Load Brushes.Now load the Thread Brush.
load brushes Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Open the Brushes panel to set some options.If you don`t know how to open it,just click F5 and it will open itself.
brush tip shape Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

shape dynamics Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Select the Pen Tool and draw a rectangle inside the label imprint.Then Right click on the lines and choose Stroke Path.Choose Brush and hit OK.
Now you should have a threaded rectangle inside the label imprint.Change the color of the thread to a dark orange.
threaded label Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 11:Adding details into the label imprint:

Download the Myriad Pro font from the top and add some details into the label imprint like website,e-mail and phone number.Near them,add some suggestive icons , using the Custom Shape Tool.
business card details inside the label imprint Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Add an address at the bottom of the business card,under the main jeans thread.
business card adress Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

Step 12:Adding the Name

Select the Type tool and write your name inside the business card.Then add some blending options like drop shadow,gradient overlay and stroke.
drop shadow for the text Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

stroke for the text Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

gradient overlay for the text Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

We`ve just finished!

Ok! With these last details we`ve finished the tutorial.Your business card is ready for print and certainly will look great in your wallet.
Have a look at what we`ve just created:
business card jeans style ready for print Design a cool and original jeans style Business Card in Photoshop

I hope you liked the tutorial and if is so,don`t forget to subscribe below to our RSS Feed to receive all the news and tutorials.
Thank you for your time and have a great day!

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