четверг, 25 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#39-From image to painting

Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
Tool Smudge tool I've long thought useless tool, but more recently, I saw the work of several Photoshop guru, turns an ordinary photo into a painting, my opinion has changed. I

Before we get to work, let me explain to you that this training lesson was written by Scott, and all the pictures - it. This lesson I present the written consent of the author.

To create this tutorial, I'll use a small portion of the original. Here is my description of how to turn photos of hounds dog in a realistic vivid picture.

1. Let's start with the standard photocorrection image: crop the image as desired, making the adjustment curves (curves), to increase the contrast and saturation of the image will increase as well (hue / sat), to improve the color. Your adjustment should bring about this result.
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
2. Increase the image size by about 16 x 22 (72 ppi). It is of sufficient size that is acceptable for the job.

3. Now elevate the image sharpness by any means that you know and prefer.
And raise it significantly, so that it looked sverhrezkoy. An exemplary embodiment is shown below:
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
4. Now you can start to blur the image. Zoom in to 200%, it will allow you to produce more detalnyyu washes of "finger." For areas with dog hair brush is used, the size of 15 pixels. and strength of about 40%. Your coat structure until such details, but in the next steps we will fix it. Also, you'll need to use a smaller brush (10 pixels. And strength - 40%.) In places such as the mouth, the nose, the area around the eyes. Do not forget to follow the natural lines. Here's what you should look after this step:
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
5. In this step, we give the work more life by treating the nose, eyes and mouth. Using all the same brush of 10 pixels (40%) will process the iris of the eye, and those who have not been treated before. Set the setting darken (at the top of the instrument), the brush size to 5 pixels (100%) and treat flare. Select the burn tool (brush 5 px., Exp. 6%, range-shadows) and darken the circle of the iris and the eye contour. You can also slightly obratotat these areas using smudge tool. Again we take the burn tool (brush 15 px., Exp. 3%, range-shadows) and darken the dark areas of the nose and mouth. Select one pixel hard brush (brush tool) to draw a glare in his eyes. Now, with dodge tool with a low exposure setting lighten areas of the iris near the glare. Also with the help of this tool in the areas of language and lighten the nose. That's how it should turn out about.
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
6. Usually backdrop is initially Smudge tool-ohm. But in this case, we will handle it with this step. Erase mustache (later we have them dorisuem) mode-darken, brush-10 px (100%).
Go back to the history panel to the original image and set it historical brush.
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool

Снова выберите smudge tool (lighten/60 px./60%) , чтобы размазать некоторые мазки на фоне. Как только фон будет доработан, вы можете использовать историческую кисть(history brush), чтобы пройтись по фото и удалить размытые участки. Далее размойте границы инструментом smudge tool (normal/10 px./75%).
Вот, что выходит:
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
7. This step will significantly increase the structure of the pattern. Duplicate the layer and apply Filters> Artistic> Paint Daubs (brush size 1/sharpness 4). Using a layer mask to remove or soften the sharp areas. Something like this should look like your picture.
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
8. tool smudge (normal / 3 px./100%) add a mustache. To create a long mustache take a color sample of wool and "finger" pull hairs. Something like this:
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
9. Highlight the green area under the nose of a dog, blend the selection Alt + ctrl + D and use the adjustment layer Solor balance give it a reddish hue.
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
10. For grass, use a brush with the parameters of strength of about 85%, and pull out the individual blades of grass. Set the tool darken, so pulling the darker grass in a light wool.
That's what we came out in the end:
Из фото в живопись посредством Smudge tool
I hope this training lesson was useful to you

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