понедельник, 22 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#31-Macromedia Flash

Today we will draw an icon for this program.
1. Create a circular selection and fill it with E21F01.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
2. Add to that the layer Blending Options.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *

Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
3. Make a circular selection is smaller and, on a new layer, fill it with white. Duplicate this layer.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
4. Make a selection so that there was only a small part of the circle below and click Del. Set the Opacity to 15-25%.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
5. Choose the second white circle and using Pen tool, make the bottom half of the circuit and erases it (do not be friends with Pen Thule? Togla use the circular selection). Set the Opacity to 15-25%
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
6. Add a logo Macromedia Flash (well, or whatever). Fill it with 235676.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *
7. Add to that the layer Blending Options.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *

Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *

Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *

8. Now you can add something of their own.
Рисуем иконку Macromedia Flash *

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