воскресенье, 21 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#26-Making a Sewed Mouth

Open the photo you want to edit.
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Create a new layer and name it "Layer 2".

Next vyberaem Brush Tool with a small circle diameter (the size of the brush will depend on the size of the pictures). Select the foreground color to black and paint small lines at the mouth to simulate a thread.Зашиваем рот *
Now a bit of blur our thread for this, go Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur, play around a bit with the settings to achieve nailutshego result in your opinion.
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To draw a shadow, select the Burn tool.Зашиваем рот *
With the same size of the brush tool, used to make yarn, go to the background layer and draw the shade as shown in the picture.
From the first time can make nepoluchitsya choose for themselves the most priemlevy option, it is not too difficult. The following shows how it should look around.
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Using the same equipment, add some additional shadows ends of filaments with the same tool used above.
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final result
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