вторник, 23 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#32-Cyclone, Special Effect |

1. The new document 500x500

2. Filter> Render> Clouds
Filter> Render> Different Clouds

3. Ctrl + I (Image> Adjustments> Invert)
Ctrl + L (Image> Adjustments> Levels) with the following parameters:
Циклон *
4. Ctrl + B (Image> Adjustments> Color Balance) with the following parameters:
Циклон *
5. Filter> Blur> Radial Blur with the following parameters:
(and note the position of the center - to move yourself)
Циклон *
6. Duplicate the layer, set a blending mode - Lighten, then press Ctrl + E (to merge the layers).
Циклон *
7. Again, duplicate the layer, set to the same value and apply
Filter> Disort> Twirl with the following parameters:
Циклон *
Ctrl + E (Layer> Merge-Down) to merge the layers

8. Repeat step 7, only the parameters sledyuschie:
Циклон *
9. Repeat step 4.

Циклон *

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