пятница, 12 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#6-Draw in the clouds

Draw in the clouds

hello to all

For this tutorial, we will need a cloudy sky, the most convenient for the work of this form clouds
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In the cloud you can "paste" virtually any vector image, I took the trail legs and made ​​it into a new layer
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create an empty layer

Now we take a gradient fill with takimizhe colors as the sky itself with a pipette.
Select the leg, and fill the empty layer with a gradient obtained
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Most importantly, by pouring coincide with the direction of change of color in the sky. Merge the resulting image with a photo.

As you can see the edge turned out very clear, this could have been avoided with Desaturate, but then it would have turned out very smooth and smooth transitions of color that we as a race and do not need. therefore, we takehealing_brush.gifsmall diameter and pass on a path by setting up in places with a few clouds.
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For something turns,smile.gif but still too unnatural edge. We would like them to mind.
Takeclone_stamp.gif with minimum touch and go through a periodic change in the diameter of the entire path again, setting up of the places where are located the edge of our existing clouds.
Do not try to save the original path, but rather make it more smooth and not air, in the aisles of course reasonablebiggrin.gif.There may be a poser by new edges do not match with the original color of the clouds, it can be corrected by healing_brush.gif

Well, that principle is all. There will be questions, ask, I'll try to answer.
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that's all

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