вторник, 30 июля 2013 г.

Lesson#50-The glittering tentacles

1. Create a document of 400x400. Press "D" that would reset colors. Make sure that your background is black.

2. Make a new layer. We choose "Custom shape tool". We choose some interesting shape. Whatever it was attended by the waves.
In the example we have chosen for example Sun "Sun 1".
Сверкающие щупальцы *
Click on the layer right click and "Rasterize Layer".

3. We apply the "Filter> Sketch> Chrome" with the following parameters:
Сверкающие щупальцы *
Duplicate the layer and put the blending mode to "Darken":
Сверкающие щупальцы *
Press Ctrl + E that would connect the two layers (active should be the top layer)

4. Almost done, now apply to layer these color shades:
Сверкающие щупальцы *
5. Again, duplicate the layer, now use the Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal. Then again, connect the layers together. After that, apply these blending options (right-click and choose "blending options")
Used this color # 00E4FF a "glow colors".
Сверкающие щупальцы *

Сверкающие щупальцы *

In conclusion, the effect should look something like this:
Сверкающие щупальцы *

Lesson#49-crocodile skin

1. Create a new image 400x400 (preferably more, but for this example).

2. Get out the "Gradient Tool" (black and white), the exhibit "Mode" to "Difference".

3. A few times (4-6) fill the image from the edges toward the center.
Крокодиловая кожа *
4. Perpendicular to an imaginary liii (which will fold) direct-lot (as do not mind, but rather just 10-20) short strokes in the same direction do fill with the same settings as in step 2.
Крокодиловая кожа *
5. Now the Tools group "Smudge Tool" flatten / smudge Austral region, where they have turned out.
Крокодиловая кожа *
6. Run filter: Filter> Texture> Craquelure with parameters Crack Spasing = 15; Crack Depth = 2; Crack Brightness = 9.
Крокодиловая кожа *
7. Press Ctrl + U and choose a Hue / Saturation you want us to image color: Hue = 32; Saturation = 27. Brightness - at will, but I did not touch her. Do not forget to check the box "Colorize"
Крокодиловая кожа *
8. Large image (size 800x600) looks interesting.
Крокодиловая кожа *

Lesson#48-How to create a mini-icons

A lot of people have been asking how to create the same icons as my famous Mini Pixel Icon. All you need - this is some of the basic skills in Photoshop. Here I will show you how to use the Pencil pencil.gif create pixel icons, and then modify them to create a complete collection. In this procedure, I created about 320 icons in the day.

1. Creating a new document

In Photoshop, create a new document of size 14x14 pixels with a transparent background.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
2. Simultaneous form

Select the Pencilpencil.gif , size - 1 pixel, color - gray, and start painting the edge of the page icons. To draw a straight line, first click at the starting point, and then hold down Shift, - the end point.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
Help tips: You can at any time erase drawn by Eraser tool , pencil mode and the size of one pixel.

3. basic gradient

Select the allocation of empty space inside the page with the help of Magic Wand . Then create a new layer. Main color - light gray background - white. Using the Gradient , draw a straight from the upper right to the lower left diagonally.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
4.Create a new layer. Draw the top of the inner boundary of white and 1 pixel to create the lighting effect. Then draw the lower boundary of the inner gray - it will be a shadow.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
5. grouping layers

In the Layers window, select all the layers and press Ctrl + G to group them.
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
6. drawing pencil

Again, start with a pencil drawing of the circuit, then fill the interior space with a color or gradient. When you're done, group all the layers into a separate folder.
Tip: If you want all the icons were in one color, keep the colors used in the swatches.

7. recycling

It shows how I have changed the old group of layers to create a whole collection:
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *
8. Exports to the network

Once you have made the entire set, switch (visible / invisible) of the layers and save them to a network (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S).
Как рисовать пиксельные мини-иконки *

Lesson#47-Talk about Layers

Layers allow you to work with one element of the picture without affecting other elements.
The layers can be represented as a stack of transparencies that can be painted, and if there is no image on the film, you can see through it below lying.

You can easily change the picture, changing the order and the properties of the layers.
In addition, special features such as adjustment layers, fill layers and styles can achieve amazing results.

Selecting a layer for

If the pattern is composed of several layers, it is necessary to choose which layer we will work as actions will occur only in the active layer.
The name of the active layer (8) is shown in the header pattern (2) and in the palette (4) opposite the active layer is shown a brush (7).

Select a layer to work can be in the Layers palette (4), by clicking on the image of the desired layer (6).
Or on the picture taking tool "Move tool" (3)
- Turn on the "Auto Select Layer" (1) and click on the picture element, is automatically selected the layer at which the item is located.
- Right-click on the image will give a context menu (5), which lists the layers in which at this point is something pictured.

Create a new layer

You can create a blank layer and add something to it,
or you can create a new layer from an existing part of the image.

When you create a new layer, it appears above the selected layer (8) in the Layers palette (4).

To create a new layer with standard properties, click the button (9) "to create a new layer" ("create a new layer") in the Layers palette (4).
Слои в Фотошопе
Display the contents of layers

You can selectively hide or show the contents of the layers. To toggle the visibility of the layer:
- In the Layers palette (5) click on the image of the eye (6), - the eye disappears, and the layer is hidden, to show the layer - click on an empty square, where he was the eye (7) - appeared eye means the layer is visible again.
- If you click on the eye while holding down [Alt], it will hide all visible layers except this one. Repeated click Restore hidden layers you first click.

Copying layers

Select the layer you want to copy.
- Press [Ctrl + J]
- Drag and drop the image layer (8) button (10) to "create a new layer" ("create a new layer") in the Layers palette (5).
- Select "Duplicate Layer" (2) in the "Layers" (1), enter the name of the layer and click OK.
- Select "Duplicate Layer" (4) in the Layers palette "Layers", enter the name of the layer and click OK. (Menu Layers palette by right-clicking on the title area of ​​the layer (9).
- While holding down [Alt] drag and drop the image on the layer (10) "create new layer" ("create a new") in the Layers palette (5), enter the name of the layer and click OK.

Copying layers between drawings

Select the layer you want to copy.
- Drag and drop the image layer (8) of one image in the Layers palette (5) to another drawing.
- By using the tool "Move tool" (3) Drag the desired portion of the image from one picture to another.
- Select "Duplicate Layer" in the menu "Layers" menu or the Layers palette "Layers", select the document to be copied layer, enter the name of the layer and then click OK.
Слои в Фотошопе
Adhesion layers

Coupling the two or more layers can be moved at the same time all the images located on the linked layers.
Also, you can share to copy, paste, align and transform the content of linked layers.

For coupling layers, select the layer that you want to attach another, and click on the square (3) to the left of the image of the other layer. In the square there the image of the chain (2), indicating that this layer is coupled with a work (selected) layer.

For decoupling layers click on the icon in the chain (2), two on the left of the image layer - chain disappears, which means that the layer becomes available.

Locked layers

Can be fully or partially locked layers to protect their contents. For example, you can completely lock the layer when the work on it is complete. Or lock change content, while leaving the option of moving layer.

To lock all the properties of the layer, select the layer and click on the lock (1). Appears to the right of the layer name clasp (5) shows that the layer is locked.

To selectively lock the properties of the layer, select the layer and click on the (1)
- Square - prohibits changing layer opacity
- Brush - prohibits the changing of pixels in the image drawing tools
- Arrows - prevents accidental movement of Pixley layer.
Appears to the right of the layer name, gray padlock (4) shows that some of the properties of the layer locked.

To remove the restrictions, select the layer and re-click on the icon (1).

Hint: To remove restrictions from the layer "Background" - double click on the name of this layer open the menu and click OK.
Слои в Фотошопе
Rasterization of layers

It is impossible to use the drawing tools or filters to the layers that comprise the vector of the content (text layer circuit layer or vector mask).

But you can rasterize - convert the contents of these layers in the usual bitmap. To do this, select the layer and
- Select "Rasterize Layer"  in the Layers palette "Layers".
- Select "Rasterize"  in the "Layers"  and select one of the sub-items.
Removing layers

Removing layers that are no longer required to work - reducing file size and therefore easier and faster to work with patterns.

Select the layer you want to delete and
- Click on the trash baskets  in the Layers palette and shows, click OK.
- You can use the option "Delete Layer"  in the "Layers" or in the Layers palette menu "Layers" (6).
For quick removal without confirmation
- While holding down [Alt], click on the trash icon baskets  in the Layers palette.
- Drag and drop the image on the layer icon trash baskets  in the Layers palette.
Renaming layers

If the layer name describes its contents, it can help in the work, especially if you figure dozen other layers.

The layer can be renamed
- Double click on the name of the layer  in the Layers palette
- While holding down [Alt] double click on the name of the layer , enter a name and click OK.
- Select "Layer Properties"  in the "Layers"  or in the Layers palette menu "Layers" , enter the new name and click OK.
Color coding layers

Color coding layers into complex patterns to visually distinguish between the layers in the Layers palette (this encoding can be quite arbitrary, it does not affect the contents of layers and done only for the convenience of the designer).

Lesson#46-Design Beautifully Frosty Text Effect

In this tutorial, we will create a beautiful frosty text!
Красивый морозный текст *
Step 1.
Create a new document about 500x500 (the size can vary depending on the font).
Select the typing tool, font Arial Rounded MT with parameter Sharp and larger than 100 (I used 115 size) and print our text.
Красивый морозный текст *

Step 2.
Right-click on the text layer and select blending options. use the following parameters:

1. Drop Shadow. Color # 003059
Красивый морозный текст *
2. Inner Shadow. Color # 0a7eaf
Красивый морозный текст *
3. Outer Glow. Color # 0a1732
Красивый морозный текст *
4. Inner Glow
Красивый морозный текст *
5. Bevel and Emboss
Красивый морозный текст *
Here you need to change the Gloss Contour option is something like this.
Красивый морозный текст *
6. Texture
Here, the author said that we should have a standard texture called wave 5, but as such, I was not, I replaced it with a similar, too, of the standard. So if you did not find this, do not despair and choose another.
Красивый морозный текст *
Красивый морозный текст *
8. Gradient Overlay. Colors # 6ed3fe and # e4ffff
Красивый морозный текст *
Красивый морозный текст *
10. Stroke. Color # 000000 ... # ffffff ... # 999999 ... # cccccc ... # 000000
Красивый морозный текст *
That is what we must have.
Красивый морозный текст *
Step 3.
Ctrl + click on the text layer
Красивый морозный текст *
Now create a new layer, then Ctrl + Shift + I and pour a layer of blue
Красивый морозный текст *
Blend Mode Hue
Красивый морозный текст *
Now select any image and paste it below the text layer. . .
Красивый морозный текст *

Lesson#45-Create a Colorful Vibrant Typographic Wallpaper

This will be the result of the lesson:
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
To complete this tutorial will need two programs - Adobe Photoshop and Xara Designer.

Step 1

Open Photoshop and create a new document with the size of 1024x768 px.

Step 2

Grab the Rectangle Tool (U) in black. Create two rectangles.
Below is a gray rectangle, in order to grasp what should be the size of each.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 3

Right-click on each layer - Rasterize Layer.

Step 4

Hold down the Ctrl key and click on the layer with the second rectangle in the Layers panel to make a selection of the upper rectangle.

Step 5

Grab the Gradient Tool (G) mode Radial. Set the gradient color to # 000000 and # 1e1e1e. Draw the gradient from top to bottom.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop

Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 6

Repeat steps 4 and 5 for nizhnegogo rectangle.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop

Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 7

Press Ctrl + D, to deselect.

Step 8

Download and install the font Franks Regular-http://www.fontspace.com/edward-leach/franks
Open Xara Designer.

Step 9

Create a new document size - size sheet A4.
Now turn on the visibility of the Layers panel.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Click on the button - New, to create a new layer.
Grab the Text Tool (T), select the font Franks Regular and create a single letter on this layer.
In the same way to create a text of several letters, each on a new layer.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
It should look something like this:
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 10

Grab the Selector Tool (V).
One at a time by clicking on each layer on the bottom panel of colors 10% Black.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 11

Grab the Extrude Tool (E) and clicking on each layer, change the letters.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 12

Right-click on the layer with the letter (actually at the letter), and then
Color Editor.

Select 3 Light color (blue gray will do).
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Then Light 2 Color (Green do white).
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop

Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop

Step 13

Now go to the menu File - Export. Enter psd format with the following settings:
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 14

Go back into Photoshop. Open the newly saved document.
Each letter must be on a separate layer.
Grab the Move Tool and set the correct letter.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 15

Hold down the Shift key and select all the layers. Press Ctrl + T, and change the size of your letters.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 16

Go to the menu Layer - Layer Style - Gradient Overlay.
Set the blending mode of the gradient (Blending mode) - Multiply
Apply to every layer of the gradient. Only each be different colors.
The colors for each layer
1 # feae31 and # efe457
2 # d0f359 and # abdc28
3 # f2835c and # e55b2b
4 # eb3dee and # fc85fb
5 # 2cafe3 and # 81dbff

Step 17

Duplicate the layer with the lower letters (Ctrl + J).

Step 18

Turn the letter, as in the image below (Ctrl + T.)
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 19

Repeat step 18 for the other copies of the letters.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 20

Hold down the Shift key and select the layers in the layers with the letters, copies. Press Ctrl + E, to unite them.

Step 21

To the resulting layer, add a layer mask.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 22

Grab the Gradient Tool (G) with the following settings:
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 23

Spend a gradient, as shown in the screenshot on the layer mask.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop

Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 24

Go back to the layer with the first letter.
Go to the menu Layer - Layer Style - Pattern Overlay and apply the settings:
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 25

Right-click on the layer style Pattern Overlay - Create Layers.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 26

Grab the Eraser Tool (E) size 20-30 px and Hardness = 0%, and clean the area indicated in the image below.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop
Step 27

Repeat steps 24-26 for the rest of the letters.

Now move created at the beginning of the document in the background with the letters.
For the smaller size of the text, you can use the font Century Gothic.
You can also use a variety of beautiful brushes plants to give more originality.
Разноцветный 3D текст с помощью Xara и Photoshop