пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.

Lesson#85-Night City

1. Open the image
Ночной город *

2. Duplicate the layer and go to Image> Adjust> Desaturate.
Ночной город *

3. Press Ctrl + M and position the curve as shown in the picture. Photo should be something like this as I do: dirty gray.
Ночной город *Ночной город *

4. This same layer lift Levels: Press CTRL + L and set poluznki as shown below. The layer should be dark.
Ночной город *Ночной город *

5. Now the fun part. Change the Blending Mode of the upper layer to "Multiply". You can change the desired levels and curves depending on your pictures.
Ночной город *

6. To add more realism full moon. Then let your imagination works: add street lights, car lights, glare and reflection.
Ночной город *

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