Learn how to create science-fiction work of art in Photoshop. Grab rather large canister of gasoline, because today we're going to set fire to the whole world. Read on, and you can learn a few tricks!
I know people love to blink PS , so here is a tutorial on how to set fire to the whole world. Enjoy!
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Step 1.
At this time, we will work with a square document. Make it fairly large 1280 x 1280 with a small fine (the final version will be a bit more).
Press D, to reset the color palette, then add a new layer fill. Call it "City Lights". Select a radial gradient from light in the center of the black at the edges.
Step 2.
Now we'll add some filters, use the Filter Gallery to add these three filters ...
Filter> Artistic> Plastic Wrap
Filter> Stylize> Glowing Edges
Filter> Texture> Stained Glass
Step 3.
Making the Image> Canvas Size and set it to 2048 x 1536px or any other size that you want. (Note: the image will be scaled down later).
Step 4.
Duplicate the "City Lights", and reduce the original (City Lights) to the desired size of the Earth.
Combine "City Lights" with the background. Names layers are shown below.
* The white circle indicates the size of splashes of fire.
Step 5.
Working on a layer of "Flames". Choose Filter> Blur> Radial Blur.
Step 6.
Choose Filter> Distort> Wave.
Repeat the filter 2 or 3 times, each time, click Randomize (Ctrl + Alt + F). Set the blending mode "Flames" on Screen, and lower the opacity to about 70%.
Step 7.
Duplicate the "Background" and place it on top of the layers and name it "Smoke". Press D, to reset the color palette, and then choose Filter> Render> Clouds Difference. Repeat 5-6 times a filter (or until you see the beautiful effect of fire). Set the blending mode of smoke to Color Dodge.
Step 8.
Add a new Color Balance adjustment layer and place it on top of all other layers.
Step 9.
Go to the SXC and download the photos (free membership required). Open the image in Photoshop, select the Earth using a circular selection, copy it and then paste it into your document (I suggest you back off a bit from the inside edge of the earth biggrin.gif, leaving no white).
Step 10.
Change the size of the Earth so that it fits your "fireball." It's okay if some white spots remain outside the image.
Create a layer mask for the layer "Earth". Use a medium size brush and start painting the mask.
Tip: Use the Smudge Tool , to correct the edges of the mask, and make the fire more natural.
Step 12.
Add an adjustment layer Hue / Saturation, use the previous layer as a Clipping Mask. Reduce the saturation and brightness.
Create a new document 4000 x 3000 pixels. Apply Filter> Render> Clouds. The resulting cloud insert into the document in a new layer "Clouds".
Set the blending mode for the layer "Clouds" to Lighten. Add a layer mask, fill it with black. Take a large, soft brush, set the opacity of about 5%, paint some white clouds around the Earth, and then, coming to the edge, reduce the size and increase the opacity of the brush.
Step 15.
Ctrl + click on the layer "Earth". Create a new fill layer of any color. Set the Fill (located below the Opacity) layer to 0%.
Double click the layer and add Inner Glow (dark red color).
Step 16.
Duplicate c Inner Glow, which you have just created. Move it down so that it rests just above the background. Remove the glow, and then add the Outer Glow instead.
Duplicate the top Inner Glow, this time make the inner glow bright red color to reduce the effect. Set the Outer Glow layer of bright red color.
Step 17.
For the sky, create a new layer above all the other layers. Fill it with black, then go to Filter> Noise> Add Noise.
Choose Filter> Blur> Gaussian Blur, set it to a value of about 0.4-0.8. Add a layer of Levels Adjustment, using the previous layer as a Clipping Mask, and then drag the slider to the right until the sky will look believable. And then set the layer "Sky" to Lighten.
Step 18.
Cool, we're almost there! Add the final Color Balance adjustment layer on top of all layers. It will help you to adjust the color of the final image. Add a bit of blue for midtones and shadows, increase the yellow and red for the basic colors. In addition, the layer of the Earth, for which you can set the brightness and saturation to near 0. Adjust the intensity of the effect with a layer mask and a radial gradient. If you want less of lava on the image, you can duplicate the "Background" and blur it, then hide some unnecessary fire.
When you're satisfied with the result, save a copy of the image and then go to Image> Resize.
Step 19.
Select the background layer and go to Filter> Render Flare> Lens. You may need to play around with the location of the outbreak.
Step 20.
Create a new layer above all the other layers. Then repeat the filter Lens Flare (Ctrl + F). Lower the opacity of the layer a bit and set the blending mode to Screen. Perhaps you might want to mask some of the details pictures.
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