пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.

Lesson#80-Create Realistic Shoelaces From (part 2)


Now add the laces , placing those on the diagonal (as in the final image ) . Do not forget to place them above the first layer , which was created in the 3rd step , and use a mask to hide unwanted parts.

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In this final step, you add the rubber part of the shoe with the right edge. So, create a new layer and using the Pen Tool (P) or the Ellipse Tool (U) draw a wide oval white on the right side of the image. Apply the layer style :
Создаем Реалистичные Шнурки с нуля

Создаем Реалистичные Шнурки с нуля

Создаем Реалистичные Шнурки с нуля


That's it! Your shoes ready ! Now you can group all the layers and merge the image .

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Now move on to post-processing. Download Teksture_1(http://dianazdesignz.deviantart.com/art/Texture-5559-271093099?q=gallery%3Adianascreations%2F32467783&qo=76) and desaturate it (Shift + Ctrl + U). Select the Blend Mode Color Burn, opacity let it remain 100 %. Create a new layer and fill it with # f4d28f. Set the Blend Mode - Overlay, transparency is reduced to 50 %. On a new layer place with cracks texture blending mode(http://crazykira-resources.deviantart.com/art/Scratch-Textures-2-large-74462712?q=gallery%3Acrazykira-resources%2F1895322&qo=144) - Divide with a transparency of 70%. Create a new layer and fill it with # 343434 egog , blending mode - Hue, transparency - 20%. Well, in the end put any grungy texture(http://buzillo-stock.deviantart.com/art/grunge-textures-01-117072744) on a new layer and duplicate it . Desaturate the first copy , change the blending mode to Multiply, Opacity - 80 %. To apply a second copy of the same blend mode , but the Opacity to 70 %.


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