воскресенье, 25 августа 2013 г.

Lesson#67-Shiny Pencil

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With this lesson can be drawn here is such a cute pencil

We start

1. Create a new document 950 px by 600 px with a black background and set the value «Resolution» (Resolution) 300 pixels / inch. Now'll benefit tool «rectangular selection» (rectangular selection). In the settings that appear on top, exhibit highlighting style (style) to "fixed size» (Fixed Size) and active windows expose values ​​of 400 and 100 px.
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2. We put our allocation by about the middle of the sheet. Now it will be necessary to add some guides (guides), they will help us in the future. Click "View» (view) -> «new guide» (New guide). There are a guide to travel to the edge of our selection. Then add another guide ... and then another ... and another ... In general it should turn out in Figure 5 these lines: Two vertical (along the edges of the left and right) and three horizontal (top, bottom and about in the middle)
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3. Now we take a gradient fill and select where the gradient is called «Steel bar». [To view the name of the gradient you just need to put your cursor on it and wait a couple of seconds] If, suddenly, you find yourself in such a gradient [You never know what happens happy.gif], then you can make it yourself. It is not difficult))) Just expose these settings
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Once you understand the gradient, create a new layer. [We call it the "foundation"] Now, with the active selection, paint over this pryamougolnichek. To do this, hold a straight line from the bottom of the selection to the top. It turns out like this
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4. Now tweak the image. Press: "Drawing» (Image) -> «control» (Adjustments) -> «curves» (Curves) and draw just such zagogulinku
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5. Now, still in the active selection, create a new layer [it will be called "color"], and fill it with red. [# D60005] and set the Opacity (Opacity) by about 60%.
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6. Duplicate the "foundation" and move him to the milestones in your layers. Get out the "Rectangle Selection» (rectangular selection), return the emphasis style to "normal" and allocate most of the pencil, and then delete it. It turns out this metal casing. By the way, we call this layer "metal".
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7. Select the tool "round selection» (Elliptical Marque tool). Hold the Shift button to create a perfect circle, it must not touch the bottom and top edges of our pencil. Right now we just help our guides. After creating such a selection, click on it, right click and select "transformation selection» (Transform Selection). Reduce by half the width of our circle. To do this, on the top line with the settings of the parameters set the width of the "50%". Now drag the selection to the right place and remove the contents. Should get this groove
Рисуем карандаш8. Let's create a new selection, the same as in the previous step. We place it as shown in the figure above. Now take the "rectangular selection» (rectangular selection), and [hold button Shift] here such conduct pryamougolnichek.
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After that, invert the selection [ctrl + Shift + I] and press the button Delete.
9. Now press the left button of the mouse on the small image layer "metal", while holding the button Ctrl. We need to move the selection by 4 pixels to the right ... To do this four times click on the button with an arrow pointing to the right, located to the right of the right Ctrl biggrin.gif))))))))) Invert the selection with [Shift + ctrl + I]. Now press three keys at once: Ctrl + Alt + Shift and click on the small icon layer "metal". With the active allocation of this small stripes, press Ctrl + J. Now make a layer of "Metal" invisible, remove selection, copy it several times with a thin layer of polosochkoj and place them in view of the fact that it will "bulge" of our metal edging. We connect these layers into one and apply here are the layer style
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10. Duplicate the layer "metal" and name the copy "Eraser". Move the "Eraser" under layer "metal". Now press ctrl + u and set here are the settings
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Again, duplicate the layer "metal". Name the copy of the "shadow". We transfer this very original. Press Ctrl + U and tyanev third polzunochek to the left. Now razblyurim "shadow". Push the "Filter» (Filter) -> «blur» (Blur) -> «motion blur» (Motion Blur). Sets the value of the angle of zero degrees and a distance-5
11. Create a new layer and name it "tip." Using the "polygonal lasso» (Polygonal Lasso) make a selection as shown below and fill the selection with a light orange. Now we move layer below the "base"
Рисуем карандаш12. copy layer "base" and drag it below the original. This layer is slightly displaced to the left so that it overlaps the layer "tip." Now press Ctrl + U and exhibiting here are the settings
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13. Now create a new effect in the bundle (Clipping Mask). To do this we press Alt button and click between the layers in the list of "The tip" and a layer with a gradient
Рисуем карандаш14. Making sure that we have selected the gradient layer by clicking "Edit» (Edit) -> «Transformation» (Transform) -> «Perspective» (Perspective) and turn our gradient here in this piece
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15. Now, again, make a selection, as in step 7. And do hole layers "base" and "color"
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16. Create a new layer. It must be above the layer with the gradient. We call it a "piece of wood." By pressing D, reset the color to the original state. Now press X [English] to change the color in some places. Now fill the layer with white color and click "Filter» (Filter) -> «Render» (Render) -> «fiber» (Fibers). Applying this filter turn this layer to 90 degrees by pressing Alt, apply effect in conjunction with a gradient layer. Click "Edit» (Edit) -> «Transformation» (Transform) -> «Perspective» (Perspective) and do about the same as the gradientWe put a layer style to "Soft Light» (Soft Light) and reduce the opacity to 60%
Рисуем карандаш17. Get out the "circular selection» (Elliptical Marque tool) and select the tip of a pencil. Being on the layer "piece of wood" in the active selection, press Delete, and clicking on the layer with the gradient push "Image» (Image) -> «Regulation» (Adjustments) -> «levels» (Levels) and use the settings shown below. After that, press Ctrl + U and move the second slider to the left
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18. Combine all our layers, except for the background, one, call it the "pencil". With him doing two copies, calling them "shadow" and "flare". Naturally, the uppermost layer of a pencil, lower-shadow, even lower-glare. Do not forget that the layer with the flare must be turned! ... To do this, go to "edit" (Edit) -> "Transform" (Transform) -> "Flip Vertical" (flip vertical). After that, fill the layer with black shadow
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19. now slightly razblyurivaem shadow using the "Gaussian blur» (Gaussian Blur). Making the active layer with the flare and add a layer mask to it. After that, apply a gradient using the settings here
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20. It remains only to add a gradient to the background and the inscription
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