вторник, 6 августа 2013 г.

Lesson#58-Change the shape of letters

1.Create a new image (file-new) 500x500 pixels. Activate the tool "Text", choose the font and size you want us to write the inscription. In our case, this will be the letter J.

2.For order to apply the command to edit the text-LAYER TEXT-converted to curves. Aktviruem tool "Arrow" and change the shape of the letter with the transformation of the loop (If you need to change a few letters in a line, you can alter each letter separately). If necessary, you can add points to the circuit, triggering a right click on the circuit and selecting the menu item in it, "Add a reference point."

4.Izmeniv letter twice we click the left button of the mouse on the layer in the Layer Style window that appears, put a checkmark in the style embossed, gloss and Gradient Overlay and set the parameters as shown.

5.Pravym click on the line layer and call the menu select "Rasterize Layer."


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