пятница, 30 августа 2013 г.


1. Create a new document 500x500 with a transparent background.

2. Apply to him: Filter> Render> Clouds, then: Filter> Blur-> Motion Blur, with the following settings:
Angle: 0
Distance: 999
Then: Filter> Stylize> Find Edges

3. Duplicate the layer.
Apply to the double: Edit> Transform> Rotate 90cw.
Blend Mode - darken.
Merge the layers.

4. Next Filter> Stylize> Glowing edges with the settings:
Edge Width: 1
Edge Brightness: 20
Smoothness: 3
Электрическая схема *

5. We go to Image> Adjustement> Brightness / Contrast
Brightness: 0
Contrast: +40

6. Next toning Image> Adjustement> Hue / Saturation:
Hue: 180
Saturation 100
Lightness: 0

7. Reduce our image and Edit> Transform> Perspective.
(If your background layer is locked, double-click on this layer to unlock it)
Электрическая схема *

8. Duplicate the layer.
Apply Filter> Blur> Gausian Blur (radius 4.4)
Put the mixing settings - screen
Merge the layers.

9. Create a new document 500x500 transparent and repeat everything again.
The resulting image is inserted in the first document

10. We turn to the base layer and apply Filter> Render> Lighting effects
Электрическая схема *

11. Go to the top layer, set the opacity to 50% and blending settings - lighten.
The final result:
Электрическая схема *

Lesson#89-Drawing the Volkswagen Logo

Create a document 250 by 250.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

On the foreground color to # 82B2E0.Na put back # 012B62.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Draw a circle by holding down Shift.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Press Ctrl + Backspace to fill the selection by the background.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

We take the gradient with the settings below.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Fill the bowl with a gradient.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Are beginning to make the logo.
I click the button D.Potom X.Delaem a new layer and make another vyelenie.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

We go to Edit> Stroke.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

You have to have such a result.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

With the Polygonal Marquee Tool draw their logo. (Who does not know the letter V and below it the letter W).
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

We go to Edit> Fill and choose a white color.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Double-click on the layer.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Рисуем логотип Volkswagen
Go to the Gradient Editor.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

You get this result.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Apply Overlay blending mode to either or Soft Light.
Рисуем логотип Volkswagen

Lesson#88-Draw a puppy

In this lesson we will draw here is such a cute puppy.
Рисуем щенка

1. Open Photoshop and create a document of size 33 by 48 pixels. Create a new layer and delete the white background (if you are comfortable working on a white background, you can keep it. Then Delete). Palettes we have such. Рисуем щенка
The first - for the body, the second - the nose, the third - to the eye.
So, on the toolbar, select pen thickness of 1 pixel, and the first color in the palette to draw the contours of the first puppy.
Рисуем щенка
2. Paint the puppy's fourth color from the palette first.
Рисуем щенка
3. Draw the basic shading from the first to third color palette.
Рисуем щенка

4. We strengthen the shading on some of the first places a second color palette. Рисуем щенка

5. Add the white spots fifth color palette of the first, and the body of the puppy ready.
Рисуем щенка

6. Draw the nose colors of the second palette.
Рисуем щенка

7. Draw the eye color palette of the third.
Рисуем щенка

Puppy ready. Save image format gif.
Рисуем щенка

Lesson87-network abstraction

And so begin
Step 1
Create document 400x400, reset the colors (D), select the gradient tool (G):
mode: Difference type: Diamond gradient
Сетевая Абстракция *

Step 2
We work with a gradient to obtain a similar effect:
Сетевая Абстракция *
Step 3
Filter-> Stylize-> Find edges:
Сетевая Абстракция *

Step 4
Duplicate the layer, set mode: Exclucion
Сетевая Абстракция *

Step 5
Merge the layers again, duplicate, put mode: Screen
Сетевая Абстракция *

Step 6
Image> Adjustments> Hue / Saturation> Colorize to taste
Сетевая Абстракция *

Lesson#86-Draw a Spider

Create a document of any size and with help of pen tool pen.gif draw something like the pictures below
Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Now draw a spider's body

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Now draw a spider web to our using the pen tool pen.gif
Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

duplicate the layer with a network and reduce its

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

take a black brush size 2 pixels and click on the button strokes as shown in the picture.

Рисуем паука *

and draw a line in the same way

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

go distort >> spherize.

Рисуем паука *

Рисуем паука *

reduce the image with a spider

Рисуем паука *

do a radial gradient something like this:
Рисуем паука *