воскресенье, 1 сентября 2013 г.

Lesson#97-Rusty text

1. Open a new document. Size 500 by 500 pixels.
Making the background color black foreground color # 87681E
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2. Then go to: Filter> Render> Clouds
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3. Let's go: Images> Adjust> Brightness / Contrast, settings:
Brightness: 40 and contrast: -30.
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4. Next Filter> Brush Strokes> Sprayed Strokes - settings:
Stroke Length: 5
Spray Radius: 20
Stroke Direction: Horizontal
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5. Again the menu Filter> Noise> Add Noise with the settings:
Amount: 3
Distribution: Gausian
Monochromatic: Checked
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6. Next Filter> Brush Strokes> Splatter settings:
Radius: 25
Smoothness: 15
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7. Apply Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp Mask, set:
Amount: 70%
Radius: 55px
Threshold: 0
Apply the filter again with these settings:
Amount: 50%
Radius: 40px
Threshold: 0. Tekstrura ready:
Ржавый текст *

8. Next, take the tool to be type tool, write the text. We go to the menu layer = layer styles:
DropShadow leave the settings as they are; Inner Shadow - so, too;
Stroke set the size of 1 pixel. Here you can experiment.
Put the blending mode to "Linear Dodge" Result:

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