воскресенье, 1 сентября 2013 г.

Lesson#100-Dark Art Picture Style


Brushes, we will need to perform the lesson can be downloaded here-http://www.photoshop-garden.com/images/tutorials/dark_art/dark_art_brushes.rar

To complete this tutorial, we will need these pictures here:
Dark Art

Dark Art

Dark Art

Dark Art

1. A layer of "The Castle": With the Lasso Tool or Eraser remove the background, then press Ctrl + U, set to open the Hue / Saturation and set the sliders as shown below:
Dark Art

That's what we should be able to:
Dark Art

2. Now remove the white background on the layer with the girl (using magic wand, for example):
Dark Art

Put a layer of "Girl" layer on top of the "Castle":
Dark Art

3. Put a layer of "Sky" layer under the "Castle".
Dark Art

4.When using brushes add a flock of birds:
Dark Art

5. Now make your hair longer than girls. This will make it look like a black angel , use the brush set that we downloads, first lesson.
Dark Art

6. The final step, using the elliptical marquee tool cut out the moon. Using the eraser tool with a transparency of 20% (soft brush), erase a small piece inside the moon, to connect it with the sky.
Dark Art

Lesson99-The layered text

1. As always , if you create a text effect , open a new document. Size is not particularly important, the main thing that the text was not big enough .
Thus, the tool TYPE tool write the text .
Duplicate the text layer to get the two text layers.
Слоистый текст *

2 . We work on the top text layer. We go to the menu Layer-> Layer Style and apply :
Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

We see that we are on the top layer , go to the menu Layer-> Rasterize-> Type ( rasterize the text).
After that, the text of this layer will not be available for editing.

3 . Hide the top layer ( click on the eye icon ) .
Слоистый текст *

4 . Apply the following layer to the underlying layer styles (Layer-> Layer Style):
Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

Слоистый текст *

5 . Making the visible top layer , select it
Слоистый текст *

6. Get out the Eraser tool ( eraser ) , a hard brush and partially erase the upper layer of the text , identifying the bottom layer .
Слоистый текст *

You can give yourself a dream . Using different brushes , changing their hardness, can be anything you want!

Here 's the result :
Слоистый текст *


1. The new document 300x300.

2. With the polygonal lasso tool create a shape like below.

3. Fill the selection with black.
Амулет *

4. Inside the form of a selection, a smaller one and delete the selected pixels.
Амулет *

5. Filter> Distort> Twirl. Playing with nachtroykami until we get the desired result.
Амулет *
6. Copy the layer.

7. Edit> Transform> Flip Horizontal. Align layers to be located approximately as in the screenshot. Ctrl + E.
Амулет *

8. Repeat steps 6 and 7, using the flip vertical.
Амулет *

9. Repeat steps 6 and 7, using the rotate 90 CW or CWW.
Амулет *
10. Copy the layer. Select the bottom. Filter> Blur> Gaussian blur with a force 4-5.

11. Select the top layer blending options. Adding a drop shadow, inner glow and gradient overlay. Choose a gradient from black to white and set the opacity of 40-60%.
Амулет *

Lesson#97-Rusty text

1. Open a new document. Size 500 by 500 pixels.
Making the background color black foreground color # 87681E
Ржавый текст *

2. Then go to: Filter> Render> Clouds
Ржавый текст *

3. Let's go: Images> Adjust> Brightness / Contrast, settings:
Brightness: 40 and contrast: -30.
Ржавый текст *

4. Next Filter> Brush Strokes> Sprayed Strokes - settings:
Stroke Length: 5
Spray Radius: 20
Stroke Direction: Horizontal
Ржавый текст *

5. Again the menu Filter> Noise> Add Noise with the settings:
Amount: 3
Distribution: Gausian
Monochromatic: Checked
Ржавый текст *

6. Next Filter> Brush Strokes> Splatter settings:
Radius: 25
Smoothness: 15
Ржавый текст *

7. Apply Filter> Sharpen> Unsharp Mask, set:
Amount: 70%
Radius: 55px
Threshold: 0
Apply the filter again with these settings:
Amount: 50%
Radius: 40px
Threshold: 0. Tekstrura ready:
Ржавый текст *

8. Next, take the tool to be type tool, write the text. We go to the menu layer = layer styles:
DropShadow leave the settings as they are; Inner Shadow - so, too;
Stroke set the size of 1 pixel. Here you can experiment.
Put the blending mode to "Linear Dodge" Result:

Lesson#96-Christmas garland

1. Create a new document 150x150px

2 . The new layer . Take the elliptical marquee tool, set the fixed size: width 30 , height 150
Новогодняя гирлянда *

3 . Fill in gray : Edit> Fill 50 % gray, normal mode, 100 % opacity.

4 . Go ahead - Filter> Render> Lens Flare. The lighting set 129 %, 35mm Prime. Lighting set as shown below.
Новогодняя гирлянда *

5 . Next Filter> Distort> Polar Coordinates. Rectangular to Polar
Новогодняя гирлянда *

6. Take the move tool, then Edit> Transform> Scale. Set the image as close as possible to the center. Set the width (width) of the future light bulbs by 50 %
Новогодняя гирлянда *

7. Create a new layer . Take the rectangular marquee fixed size 15x25px. Set the selection as shown in the picture
Новогодняя гирлянда *

8. Take the Gradient tool (Reflected), foreground color to # 666666 , background color # CCCCCC. Hold down Shift, drag the gradient from the center to the right. Name this layer , well ... for example Cover

9. Copy Layer 1 three times

10 . We start with the first light bulb - hold down ctrl we move through the bed with a light bulb , thereby highlighting it . Set the forground color = # 000099 , background color = # 6666FF

11. Take the Radial Gradient and drag a gradient from light bulbs to place her under. Set the blend mode to Color Burn. Now rename this layer to the Blue
Новогодняя гирлянда *

12. Hide the layer Blue, go to another layer of bulbs (emphasis should remain) set the forground color = # 990000 , background color = # FF00CC, Do the same as with the previous layer . Rename this layer to Pink.
Новогодняя гирлянда *

13. Hide the layer Pink, go to another layer of bulbs (emphasis should remain) set the forground color = # 009900 , background color = # 00FF00 Do the same as with the previous layers . Rename this layer to Green.
Новогодняя гирлянда *

14. Hide the layer Green go to another layer of bulbs (emphasis should remain) set the forground color = # B80000, background color = # FF0000 Do the same as with the previous layers . Rename this layer to Red.
Новогодняя гирлянда *

15. Copy Cover layer three times and merge with each lamp separately.
Create a flash bulb in

16. Create a new document 300x100px, background color black

17. Drag all the light bulbs to the new document

18. You can change the angle of each light bulb for a change

19. Join the Blending Options Inner Glow layer Red and set the following values:
- Blending: screen
- Opacity = 75
- Noise = 0
- Color Hex # FF6666
- Technique = softer
- Source = Center
- Choke = 0
- Size = 5 px
- Contour = normal.
Новогодняя гирлянда *

20. Red copy the layer effect and apply it to all the layers, only apply glow effects here are : Green - 66FF66, Pink - FF66FF, Blue - 6666FF

21. Turning off the effects of all the layers. Create a new layer ( lower layer with light bulbs ) and call it Wire.

22. Take a 3px brush and color # 666666 and connect bulbs hold down Shift, draw wire .

23. Switch back to Image Ready.

24. Set the time to 0.2 seconds on the layer 1

25. Place the bulbs in this order : Red, Green, Pink, Blue
Новогодняя гирлянда *
26. We include the effect of the layer Red

27. Go to the layer Green, include the effect of this layer, and the layer effect Red disable .

28. Go to the layer Pink, include the effect of this layer, and the layer effect Green disable

29. Go to the layer Blue, include the effect of this layer, and the layer effect Pink disable

30 . Save the animation.
The bottom line:
Новогодняя гирлянда *